Tuesday, June 2, 2015

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This page will be deleted by June 15, 2015.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Terrorist, an open letter

To whom it may concern:
This is your courtesy wake up call. Don't even think you can sleep with only one eye open. We are coming for you. We will not rest until we exterminate all of you like the bugs you are. We will pull you from the hole you crawled into and exact justice. The difference: though you don't deserve the justice you'll receive, you will have it unlike thousands of civilians you mercilessly killed. That's the critical difference between us: We're civilized. You're just awakening from a 700-year coma. You missed the boat, train, plane while the rest of us were going through the Middle Age, Renaissance, Industrial Revolution and a couple of world wars.

I was thrilled your nitwit for a leader, Osama bin Laden, was brought to justice. He got off easy by getting killed. For a split second, I had a compassionate thought: I hope Jesus gave him the chance to accept him as Lord and Savior. The very next second I thought: Rot in hell ... (you don't want to hear the rest but I'm sure you can figure it out). I was giddy. It was a great way to end a great weekend.

Thank you George Bush. Period
That was my Facebook post Sunday night. At the end of the day, for all the buffoonery of our George W. Bush Administration, he took the necessary initial steps to bring you and this savage barbarian to justice. He signed the executive order that made him America's Most Wanted. You're next.

Those boots were made for walkin', swagger
It was George Bush who began the hunt in such a way as to let bin Laden know that our Cowboy-in-Chief was not gonna rest until he was caught. The Wild, Wild Middle East needed a posse lead by someone with a 10-gallon, black cowboy hat, boots and an attitude that said, "You can run but you can't hide." Have you ever seen W's cowboy boots? They have the emblem of POTUS on them and they stand at the ready to step on your face, if given the chance.

No, this was not going to be an OJ Simpson trial where you get acquitted. No way. Those cowboy boots were made for walkin' and W was prepared to walk all over Osama and all y'all.

Mission:Osamabl in full effect
What is Mission:Osamabl? Run. Run and hide. Sooner or later, the one who wins is the one who doesn't stop lookin', the one who never forgets, is long suffering, searches smarter but not harder. It may take 10 years, but your ass is ours. You'll be lookin' over your shoulder for as long as you live.

Boy, I bet it sucks to be you right about now, huh? Well, wake up from your 700-year coma. Catch on to what your brothers and sisters in Islam want: Freedom and democracy. That uprising all over the Middle East is no joke. You're no longer wanted there. 

No one wants the same things you want. Your Muslim brothers and sisters want to compete on the open field of business and economy. Your now DEAD cockroach for a leader wanted you to remain cave dwellers. It's incomprehensible that you would want to live a life of destitution for the sake of Islam. (I know those were some awful big words there but get a dictionary and look 'em up. It's called initiative. Look that one up too!)

Gratitude with an attitude
Oh you think you have the world's finest volunteer armed forces? I can trump that and throw in a Donald while I'm at it.

That's right, you got a can of whoop-ass handed to you by the greatest, most powerful all volunteer U.S. armed forces stationed worldwide. Tonight, it's my turn to sleep a whole lot more peacefully knowing they decapitated terrorism. (Still got that dictionary handy?) It's your turn to be afraid, be VERY AFRAID.

What's that? You didn't get your can of whoop-ass? Oh no problem. It's coming express mail with your name on it.

We know you're like roaches. Where there's one, there are thousands more. I have confidence in their ability to finish the job. I pray in the power of the one true God that all of those men and women remain supernaturally safe, protected. THEY ALL TOTALLY ROCK!!! You all totally suck.

So here's my suggestion: Do it now ...
Admit you're a sinner in need of a savior, accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior then pull the trigger pointed at your head. At least you won't rot in hell like I wish you would.

NOT yours very truly,
Diva Latina

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Copyright 2011 Du Jour Communications, all rights reserved

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Trump is a jealous jackass: An open letter to the Donald


My question to you is what the hell is your problem? Is it because he's black? Is it that his father was Muslim and a native of Kenya? Are you irritated that a man who is president of the United States has "Hussein" for a middle name? What irritates you more: That his mother was white, his father is dark black or that Obama's the product of an interracial marriage, a true American?

Are you a racist or you just don't like black people in places of power? Would you rather Obama shine your shoes, serve you dinner, drive you around town, do your laundry, pick cotton or wipe your ass? For someone who purports to not being racist, you sure do come off as one. Examining the evidence, i.e., your tone of voice, baseless accusations, ambiguous statements, hate messages, you sure do sound like a closet racist to me.

You know what a closet racist is, don't you? Someone who feels they need to say they're not racist when all of the evidence points to the contrary. How many blacks are in your boardroom? What percentage of your management force is nonwhite? When you retire, will you name someone who is nonwhite to succeed you? Probably not. A closet racist is someone who, among their innermost circle, talks about how they will never let nonwhites run their corporation in front of their nonwhite maids, butlers and house staff.

This just in ...
I have news for you, Trump. You'll never be president. You'll never have that much power. You will never hear "Hail to the Chief" when you enter into a room. You will never have a secret service detail. No officers of the armed forces will ever salute you. No matter how big the flag that flies over your home is, you will never be called Mr. President because you are not of that ilk. 

You are white trash at heart with a little education, power and alot of money in the bank. You will never be known for consensus building, diplomacy, compromise or civil discourse. Even Rodney King would understand why people wouldn't get along with you. 

Your problem is you can't say to Obama, "You're fired" because you didn't hire him. You don't get to control everything and everyone. Get over yourself. You're not that important. 

You are, in fact, the biggest blame fool in the Jungle of Nool. All evidence points to the fact that he is a legitimate citizen of the United States so there is no reason for this ridiculous argument. You just like throwing your weight around. My late husband would call you a shit disturber. You're a bully, plain and simple. Given the chance you would crush people with the stroke of a pen and that's why you will never be president of the United States, leader of the free world, the most powerful man in the world.

Obama would never stoop so low as to say this out loud but I'm sure he's thinking it: How ya like me now, ass hole?

PS No, I didn't vote for Obama and YES I voted.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Donald Trump is a grandstanding, racist idiot

Don't you hate it when evidence doesn't lie?
I was watching Anderson Cooper 360 last night as they investigated the issue of whether President Obama was born in Hawaii. I thought for certain he was going to say he wasn't born in Hawaii but he had plenty of evidence to the contrary. As usual, Anderson does a thorough job and convinced me and my inner journalist that Obama is, in fact, an American. Yes, I'm a trained journalist.

So what's up with Donald Trump? He's having a hissy fit about something he clearly knows absolutely nothing about. True to any accuser's style, he provides zero names, zero facts, cites ambiguous sources and says he'll reveal his evidence and details at a later date. Bottom line: He's got a whole lotta nothin'.

Paul Tuchman, reporter for AC360,  on the other hand, interviewed actual government officials who, on camera, stated that they were satisfied that Obama was born in Hawaii. The head of the department of health services in Hawaii who is a Republican said she has seen the long form of Obama's birth certificate, which doesn't specify the religious affiliation of his parents, and can say with confidence there is no doubt Obama is an American-born President.

Detractors hope that it does, in fact, state his family religion as but even if it did, that cannot be cause to disqualify anyone from the office of President. If anything, it will fire up white Republican extremists into believing we have a Muslim president who swore ON A BIBLE his oath of office.

Tuchman interviewed a newspaper spokesperson about publishing birth notices. He stated clearly it was and still is impossible for anyone to call the newspaper with news of a live birth and expect it to be published because they called to report it. The policy in 1961 was they only published those births provided to them by the department of health. Period. 

Further, Tuchman found a person who was listed four names below Obama's newspaper birth announcement. They went with this person to the Hawaii department of health and requested an official copy of his birth certificate for which AC360 paid the $7 fee.

Imprinted with an official seal of the department of health for the state of Hawaii, a line across the bottom of the certificate states clearly that in a court of law the certificate is irrefutable evidence of a live birth in the state of Hawaii. Obama has this copy of his birth certificate.

Addressing Trump directly
My question to you is what the hell is your problem? Is it because he's black? Is it that his father was Muslim and a native of Kenya? Are you irritated that a man who is president of the United States has "Hussein" for a middle name? What irritates you more: That his mother was white, his father is dark black or that Obama's the product of an interracial marriage, a true American?

Are you a racist or you just don't like black people in places of power? Would you rather Obama shine your shoes, serve you dinner, drive you around town, do your laundry, pick cotton or wipe your ass? For someone who purports to not being racist, you sure do come off as one. Examining the evidence, i.e., your tone of voice, baseless accusations, ambiguous statements, hate messages, you sure do sound like a closet racist to me. 

You know what a closet racist is, don't you? Someone who feels they need to say they're not racist when all of the evidence points to the contrary. How many blacks are in your boardroom? What percentage of your management force is nonwhite? When you retire, will you name someone who is nonwhite to succeed you? Probably not. A closet racist is someone who, among their innermost circle, talks about how they will never let nonwhites run their corporation in front of their nonwhite maids, butlers and house staff.

This just in ...
I have news for you, Trump. You'll never be president. You'll never have that much power. You will never hear "Hail to the Chief" when you enter into a room. You will never have a secret service detail. No officers of the armed forces will ever salute you. No matter how big the flag that flies over your home is, you will never be called Mr. President because you are not of that ilk. 

You are white trash at heart with a little education, power and alot of money in the bank. You will never be known for consensus building, diplomacy, compromise or civil discourse. Even Rodney King would understand why people wouldn't get along with you. 

Your problem is you can't say to Obama, "You're fired" because you didn't hire him. You don't get to control everything and everyone. Get over yourself. You're not that important. 

You are, in fact, the biggest blame fool in the Jungle of Nool. All evidence points to the fact that he is a legitimate citizen of the United States so there is no reason for this ridiculous argument. You just like throwing your weight around. My late husband would call you a shit disturber. You're a bully, plain and simple. Given the chance you would crush people with the stroke of a pen and that's why you will never be president of the United States, leader of the free world, the most powerful man in the world. 

Obama would never stoop so low as to say this out loud but I'm sure he's thinking it: How ya like me now?

PS No, I didn't vote for Obama and YES I voted.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

But you can't make lemonade from cow pies

When life hands you ...
Ever have one of those days when you've had so much flung at you -- regardless of fault -- not only does it stick but it stinks? It permeates your skin immediately. This is much worse that getting skunked.

No matter you have bleach, stain remover and commercial-strength detergent and industrial strength washers/dryers. This just stinks. 

Subsequently, you get fired from your job. You're forced to move. Though you jump through all hoops, you still can't get it off you. That smell.

What the hell is the world coming to? Are things so bad that we can't be civil enough to tell the truth? What ever happened to civil rights, not wrongs? What ever happened to a time where the Bible was society's bellwether? A time that when you swore by it you, in fact, told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

We're right back where we started. We're savages hunting down our next prey. No matter anyone else. We live how we please anyway so when consequences come, we are indignant, kinda flipping off the person you just cut off.

Why do we teach our kids valuable lessons, such as actions have consequences, when society continues to perpetuate few consequences especially if you can afford a good law team? I know I'm not the first to cultivate that logic, but seriously.

Baseball, today, stinks. Just for today. Thanks Barry Bonds.

I'll be over it by tomorrow because I love baseball.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It seems to me ...

As a nation, we largely are a people who sit on our blessed assurance and communicate by computer. We were made to depend upon each other as the various parts of one body in Christ. However, I venture to say Jesus didn't see this coming (though I'm sure he did).

It hit me like a ton of bricks once again reminding me I complain about my lot in life. But let's face it: I have one. I don't live in a hut tending to wifely duties while my husband hunts and gathers. I require electronic currency to live. Hut dwellers don't. If there's a food shortage I spend more money at Safeway. If there's a food shortage at a local village, the scramble is on to find any scraps of food whatsoever for and entire family.

What I'm trying to say is I'm awfully comfortable in my home worth six figures versus hut dwellers. I'm not as tuned into my needs at this very moment because I have none, really.

All I want to do is draw attention to http://www.facebook.com/BoricuaConfidential page I'm growing so I can post regularly about my blog posts, responses, etc.

So if any of this is interesting to you, join me! You can find me at the following places:
Stay classy, thanks for stoppin' by.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Bend over and give the "man" more of your money
So has anyone noticed the price of gas lately? A few years ago my broker told me that when gas prices went up, I was making money. When I asked him last month if I was making any money he said I wasn't "in" oil any more. I nearly had a heart attack.

I live in Silicon Valley where oil companies think I have nothing better to do than spend my entire bank account on gas. My girlfriend Jane and I kid about how we have chosen gas over food this week. For me, I have to choose between my son's medical coverage and gas. The plan (stop laughing, God) was to buy Anthem Blue Cross as of the first of the year but gas was going up fast because of unrest first in Tunisia, then Algeria followed immediately by Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, ANYONE WHO PRODUCES OIL was having a moment and gas prices shot through the f*cking roof!

I'M NOT MADE OF MONEY! I'm on disability for a very legitimate reason. My income is fixed. Gas prices are not. Further, I've recently won two major court cases and now owe two lawyers my left butt cheek. Did I mention my daughter is coming home for good from boarding school and despite her permanent disability is not getting paid by SSI so I get to pay for more with the same? In other words, there isn't a mani or pedi in sight.

I'm already pulling rabbits out of my hat as it is just to make ends meet. When she comes home, I'm going to need a miracle, sign or wonder to get from month to month. Did I mention I have to WAIT TWO YEARS just for an SSI appeal hearing? Oh yeah, she qualifies for permanent disability and I have the doctor and education reports to prove it but TWO YEARS?

Then there's the trickle-down theory. Not the one where the wealth gets down to us minions eventually. No. I mean inflation. Gas prices go up. Suppliers pay more to move merchandise then EVERYTHING IS MORE EXPENSIVE. Basics such as milk, bread, eggs, fruits, vegetables, Starbucks (gasp) are getting astronomical. I mean my venti chai tea latte is fast approaching $4. What the hell? I need my latte!!! I remember walking into Smart and Final and noticed my Soy milk nearly doubled from one week to the next. I'm lactose intolerant but not at those prices. Now I drink regular milk with lactaid pills.

But seriously, employers aren't exactly being generous with pay raises according to my friends who work. This also is the second year the feds got out of paying SSDI/SSA/SSI a COLA because of some screwed up economic formula I don't quite understand and my brain hurts just thinking about it. Something about the GDP not increasing. WHATEVER.

My kids want a big vacation. Even years I schedule housekeeping in Yosemite National Park but even that is nearly $100/night. It used to be affordable. Odd years we reserve a week in our Maui timeshare. Forget that. I haven't been able to afford the annual maintenance fees so I can't make a reservations. Even if I could make reservations, I can't afford to eat or rent a car. Anyone who's been to Hawaii knows you have to budget at least $5k for air, car, food, incidentals, etc. My legal fees have nearly exhausted my brokerage IRA so staycation it is.

I'll probably take the kids to Santa Cruz beach sans the boardwalk, Carmel, Golden Gate park and the Natural History Museum, DeYoung Museum, Lawrence Hall of Science at UC Berkeley, Mt. Hamilton and Lick Observatory, a picnic at Lake Del Valle, etc. Sounds great, right? However, the gas and entry fees alone will kill me. Time was the aforementioned itinerary was affordable, reasonable, a poor man's vacation. Not any more.

I know it's not as bad as the great depression but I wasn't alive then so it FEELS like the great depression and I have major depression.

In closing, stop the world. I want to get off.

How's your wallet doing?